(About me)

C++ program that executes a movie database; populating the contents of a dynamically created array with input from a text file. User is able to save their favorite movies along with the details (gross total, director, runtime, title) into a separate text file

Promotional static webpage for a local, Indonesian based, bag manufacturing company that produces custom bags, pouches and related gifts.

Student Records API
Java program that handles student records given in a text file; Including features such as API, serialisation, and custom exception handling

PERMIAS 2021 Yearbook
A static website that contains a button to view the PERMIAS Class of 2021 yearbook. Features an animated sidebar containing the yearbook link as well as Instagram

Film Research Project
A website containing an analysis of the Joker movie. Features a dark theme and side menu button for easy navigation.

Separate Chaining HashTable
Created an implementable HashTable class using separate chaining as a solution to collision. The LinkedList class included is implemented in the HashTable class. Each bucket in the HashTable is an index in an Array List with each index containing a Linked List